Panetta Photography

social documentary

Tag Archives: canon


Andrew Kuntz is a renowned Canadian glass artist. He creates beautiful blown and sculptured pieces out of the shared studio space, Glen Williams Glass, in Georgetown. 

Fort Henry

On a recent shoot to Kingston, Ontario, I took in the Sunset Ceremony at Fort Henry. The following are images taken within the fort.

fort henry



Spring is in the air and summer is just around the corner.  This image was taken in Tobermory, Ontario.


While on assignment for work, I had the opportunity to photograph what would be my first wedding.  It was a staged wedding in front of Niagara Falls for the commercial that we were shooting, but these guys were together for almost 8 years and were more in love than most.  I’ve travelled to many countries where this scene would have never taken place, so it’s nice to know that Canada (among many others) encourages people to be proud of the love that they share with someone else, regardless of their sex.


This photo is from a few years back, during some time spent travelling throughout the top of the Himalaya’s in Northern India. Awe-struck for two weeks straight, the natural danger of the road made the views along the way that much more beautiful.  Route 22 will always have a special place in my heart.


The one constant found in all countries, cultures and creeds is the innate desire for freedom.  We will fight at any cost for it, protest until beaten and jailed, move to the un-known for a better way, even do the un-thinkable in the name of whatever you believe in, secular or otherwise.  The following image was taken in Dharamsala, India during a three day protest for Tibetans, both living within their borders and abroad.  This otherwise sleepy town was transformed into a constant wave of refugees, monks and Indian locals all supporting the most desired cause of all, freedom.

The Indignados article

Please check out Fluster Magazine to see my newest photo essay and article on the Spanish Indignados. After a year of photographing within the immense crowds, this collection of images were selected to represent a group of individuals coming together in hope of a better future, for themselves and their children.


Castle Door

Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find it; knock, and the door will be opened for you.

-Jesus Christ