Panetta Photography

social documentary

Tag Archives: crisis

don’t pass me by (cont.)

This photo was taken in the downtown core of Toronto, Ontario.  Another image to go with my growing series, titled “Don’t Pass Me By…”  You can find the others here and here.

of mice and men…

As I was covering the Holy Saturday processions in Madrid, I came across a small, dark alley way.  Here I found the home of a local street performer that I had seen on countless occasions standing in the main square, dressed in his mouse costume for the amusement of local and foreign children.  As a crucified Christ passed by on the shoulders of the devoted, I felt more compelled to visually tell a part of this mans unknown story than to capture what was happening outside.


29M Huelga General (March 29, General Strike)

On March 29th, Madrid took part in a nation wide strike to protest the new labour reform laws that are being implemented by the government.  The downtown core was transformed into a living wave of Spaniards, marching their detoured path through the narrow streets from Banco de Espana to Puerta del Sol.  Sporadically, pockets within the immense group would stop and demand the immediate closure of any stores that were unwilling to join in on the strike.  These shops would either give in and close, or see their doors turned into police barricades.

As I spent the better part of my day photographing from within the crowd, the optimistic side of me would want nothing more than to have the voices of these people heard.  Although, as a journalist -and a realist-, I am able to see that even though these laws will inevitably push the already alarming unemployment rate that much higher, they will also become a Spanish reality.  This will either save Spain from bankruptcy, or spiral it’s frustrated people into a string of riots -maybe even both-.  We all know that it is darkest before the dawn, so let us hope -for Spain and Europe’s sake-, that the dawn arrives before it is too late.

The Pointer

A man points at his cup with each person that passes him by.

don´t pass me by

A few images from a project that I´m currently working on.

The Economic Crisis

It seems to be effecting a larger and more diverse group than experts had originally thought…